Oct. 20th – Hadith of the Week – Rabi’ul Thani 16th
HADITH: Prophet Muhammad (S) said: Do not lose your temper. He repeated this three times as advice. (Bukhari)
HADITH: Prophet Muhammad (S) said: Do not lose your temper. He repeated this three times as advice. (Bukhari)
HADITH: Prophet Muhammad (S) said: The most beloved speech to me is the most truthful speech. (Bukhari)
HADITH: Prophet Muhammad (S) said: Verily Allah (swt) is gentle and he loves gentleness in all matters. (Bukhari and Muslim)
HADITH: Prophet Muhammad (S) said: I leave you with two things. As long as you hold them tightly, you will never be lost. They are the book of Allah (Quran) and my example (Sunnah).
HADITH: Prophet Muhammad (S) would pray: Oh Allah, benefit me with what you have taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and increase my knowledge.
HADITH: Prophet Muhammad (S) said: Whoever goes out seeking knowledge is in the path of Allah until he returns.
HADITH: Prophet Muhammad (S) said: The masjid is the home of every righteous believer. Allah Almighty has guaranteed comfort and a safe passage to his pleasure.